1.Routine maintenance is scheduled on Mondays during the first weeks and third weeks. There may be flexible adjustments during consecutive holidays.
2.In our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, Grand Hilai Kaohsiung will adopt an eco-conscious initiative effective January 1, 2025. As part of this program, disposable amenities (toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, shower caps, razors, and shaving foam) will no longer be provided automatically. Should you require any of these items, our attentive Front Desk team on the 1st floor will be delighted to assist you. We deeply appreciate your understanding and support in our endeavor to protect our shared planet.
Discover Our Accommodations
Prestigious Executive Package
市景豪華商務客房 NT$5,816 起 ►假日須另加價 |
Availability:2024/06/21 ~ 2025/12/30
• 10:00~22:00 輕食吧
• 18:30~20:30 Happy Hour
客房Mini bar免費使用。
Three-Day Trip in Kaohsiung Harbor
Limited Weekday Upgrade to Harbor View |
Availability:2024/09/01 ~ 2025/12/30
1. 依房型人數贈送自助式早餐
2. 每房提供迎賓點心乙份
3. 限量升等港景客房
4. 免費使用三溫暖、健身房、露天游泳池
5. 官網線上訂房並加購高鐵車票,加購高鐵票享 7 折起 。(票價另計)
玩酷港都 海上超跑派對
Availability:2025/01/21 ~ 2025/06/30
Celebrate Your Birthday
市景精緻雙人房 NT$5,388 |
Availability:2023/01/01 ~ 2025/12/30
Senior Travel Discounts
市景精緻雙人房 NT$5,088 |
Availability:2023/01/01 ~ 2025/12/30
Best Available Rate
Availability:2024/01/01 ~ 2025/06/30
Best Rate With Breakfast
Availability:2024/01/01 ~ 2025/06/30
Eco-friendly Package
Availability:2025/01/02 ~ 2025/12/30
Availability:2025/01/02 ~ 2025/02/27
Afternoon Tea Package
市景精緻雙人房 NT$5,588
Availability:2024/01/01 ~ 2025/12/30
春品粵宴 一泊二食專案
Availability:2025/01/12 ~ 2025/03/31
Early Bird
21 Days Early Bird
14 Days Early Bird
GRAND HILAI Hotel x Sanrio
Availability:2024/01/01 ~ 2025/12/30
SanrioDay Happy Birthday
Availability:2024/01/01 ~ 2025/12/30
Availability:2024/01/01 ~ 2025/12/30
Availability:2024/01/01 ~ 2025/12/30
Availability:2025/01/22 ~ 2025/02/28
Availability:2025/01/13 ~ 2025/02/27
巧克力之夜 三麗鷗情人節特輯
Availability:2025/02/14 ~ 2025/03/31